Master Data is a single overview of your product, customer or supplier.

Master Data is just a click away in Inact Now and contains four views:

  • Info. Development of sales, stock, etc. over the last 12, 24 or 32 months.
  • Profit. Shows you how much you earn on your product, customer or supplier.
  • Transactions. All transactions for the last 12 months.All data.
  • Master data information on the product, customer or supplier.

You can find Master Data here:

Find din MasterData

You can change the setup of these views by going into Edit mode within a view. To do this, click on the cogwheel in the right corner, it looks like this:

All Data edit mode


Info shows the development of sales, stock, etc. over the last 12, 24 or 32 months. Select which KPIs you want to see on the graph by the four boxes to the right or drop down the menu above. See it here:


The Profit view shows you your company’s total revenue, costs and contribution margin on each customer, product and supplier.

The levels in the Profit view are up to you. Below you can see an example of the levels Gross profit I, Gross profit II and Gross profit III on a specific item number.


In Inact Now you can see the historical transactions for any item, customer or supplier.

When was the product bought/sold?
Which customer was the product bought/sold from/to?
At what price was the product bought/sold?
The transactions are initially unfolded, but can be grouped (more than one grouping can be grouped if desired):

  • Per order
  • Per customer
  • Per product group

It is possible to slice(Filter) the transactions in the same way as you do in your Insights.

If you want to see decimals, “copy to clipboard” or simply download data in Excel, you can do so in the menu to the right. Here you will also find the button where you can change which columns are displayed.

Det er muligt at slice(Filtrere) på transaktionerne på sammen måde som du gør i dine rapporter. 

Vil du se decimaler, eller “kopiere til clipboard” eller blot downloade data i Excel sker det i menuen til højre. Her finder du også knappen hvor du kan ændre i hvilke kolonner der vises. 


All data

All data gives you an overview of all your data in Inact Now.

All the data available in Inact Now is listed under All data. Items marked with “I” are further specified and highlighted using mouseover.

Your data descriptions are also available when you click on the “I” icon in your Insigt.

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