Inact Now Admin Panel is a tool for Admins in your organization. The tool is designed to give Admin users of Inact Now control over their organization management. This article will guide you through the various features and tools available in the Admin Panel so you can effectively manage your organization’s operations and settings.

1. accessing the Admin Panel

You must ask your Inact consultant or Inact Support ( for permission if you do not already have it.

To access the Inact Now Admin Panel, follow these steps:

Log in to your Inact Now account with your credentials.
Once you are logged in, an icon will be available to the right in the main menu. (If you don’t have this, try logging out and logging in again)
Click the “Admin Panel” icon to access the Admin Panel interface

2. Creating new users

The Admin Panel allows you to create new users for your organization. This section guides you through the steps for creating a new user and assigning necessary permissions and settings.

The following permissions and settings can be entered:

Information on the new user:

  • Email (*)
  • First name (*)
  • Last name (*)
  • Phone number (*)
  • Preferred language for emails and similar (*)
  • Job title (*)
  • Department (*)
  • Permissions
  • Homepage Setup
  • Access Control (Must be set up for your organization)

(*) = required

NB: Welcome email
For all new users, you must manually send a welcome email that will guide the user to create a login. It is best to send this when you have finished setting up the user. At the end of the creation process, you can send the welcome email by clicking “Save & Send mail”.

3. editing existing users

To edit existing users within your organization, click on them in the overview and a pop-up window will appear where you can update information, change permissions and manage the users’ front page (+ Change access control if your organization has this). Press the “Save & close” button when you have made your changes.

4. Managing information

The Admin Panel provides the ability to manage and update information related to users in your organization. This includes updating the following:

  • First name (*)
  • Last name (*)
    Phone number (*)
  • Preferred language for emails and similar (*)
  • Job title (*)
  • Department (*)

(*) = required

5. Configuration of permissions

Permission configuration is to maintain control over what users in your organization have access to. Permissions in Inact Now can be divided into different predefined user roles and permissions.


You can choose three levels per permit and act as a staircase, if you choose the level above it will also be chosen. (Example: If you have “admininstrate reports”, you automatically have “Create reports” and “View reports”.)

  • The admininstrate level allows the user to manage reports for the entire organization, this also “Edit Mode”. If changes are made in “Edit mode” and subsequently saved, these changes are made for everyone in the organization. Manage checklists simultaneously allows for and edits all checklists in the organization.
  • The Create level gives the user the opportunity to create private reports for their own use as well as the opportunity to create and assign Checklists.
  • View level gives no rights beyond viewing reports and checklists.
  • Download data allows the user to download data directly from Inact Now.


The predefined rolls are; Admin, Superuser, User and Custom.

  • The Admin role gives all permissions to both reporters and checklists.
  • The superuser role allows for reporter/checklists.
  • The user role grants viewing permission for reports/checklists.
  • The custom role is automatically selected in other constellations than the above.

Simple view
The simple view function means that the user’s menu bar consists of the “Home” menu. Select this role as “User” and therefore only View permissions.

6. Setting up the home page

Customizing the home page in the Admin Panel is important to ensure that it fits the needs of that user. You have the option to control which Dashboard and reports the user has on their home page. You can only choose one dashboard per the user’s number of favorite reports is unlimited.

You also have the option to see which Checklists the person has been assigned.

7. Access Control

NB: Access Control skal være sat op for din organisation for at denne funktion er tilgængelig.
Access Control kan giver dig mulighed for at konfigurere hvilke Data sources hver enkelte bruger har adgang til.

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We hope this guide helps you navigate and utilize the Inact Now Admin Panel effectively. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact our dedicated support team.

Note: The functionality and features described in this article are based on the current version of Inact Now. Updates and improvements may be introduced over time and may therefore deviate from this article.

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